How to search

Select Categories
By selecting categories you will see all the courses that are listed under that category. If you select more categories you will see all courses belonging to either category (not both). So the more categories you select, the more courses you will see. 

If you select EEMCS
• You will see all EEMCS courses and organisations

If you select EEMCS and Q1:
• You will see all EEMCS courses and organisations AND all Q1 courses (also from other faculties).
Use the Search box
You can use the search box to find courses. You can type in:
• The course code
• (Part of) the course name
• The English abbreviation of the faculty name
• Q1, Q2 etc.
Type Q1
• You will see all courses in Q1

• You will see all EEMCS courses and organisations
Combine Categories and Search box to filter results
You can use a combination of the search box and categories to get more specific search results.

If you type in the search box BSC and select in the categories EEMCS
• You find all the BSC courses of EEMCS

If you type EEMCS in the search box and select in the categories Organization
• You will find all organisations of IDE